My Garden

Below are images taken from my personal garden at Longwood in 2011 and my current garden in 2012. Scroll down for the most recent garden updates!

Veggie Plot 2011

Tomato Trellis
Burlap pathways-stops weeds!

My floorboard seat

Summer 2011

Fall 2011
My herbaceous garden Fall 2011!

The beginning of my vegetable garden 2012!

Some transplants for my garden! Red kale, Swiss Chard, Kohlrabi, Cabbage, and Rumex!

Some more seedlings that will be going in my garden. (Artichoke, Purple mustard green, Quinoa, Cherokee purple tomatoes, Bell peppers, Ground tomatoes, and beets!)
Veggie Transplants as of 4/17/2012!

Mulched Garden as of 4/17/2012

Herbaceous Garden 5/10/2012

Veggie plot 5/10/2012
Mixed greens, radishes, thyme, cabbage, red kale, kohlrabi, and newly planted edamame

View from path

Bak choi that went to flower...what can I say I love flowers! Behind we have cabbage and sage

Purple mustard greens, wheat grass, achillea, peas, swiss chard, bloomsdale spinach, rosemary,  and thyme
In view of scallions, potatoes, chives, thyme, sage, quinoa, corn, artichoke and strawberries!
Veggie Garden as of 5/24/2012- Let the eating continue!