Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vegetable plot as of 4/17/2012
 After a gentle rain two days ago, seedlings are slowly emerging from the soil, such as radishes and wheat grass. Other plants in the garden include peas, spinach, purple mustard greens, garlic, thyme, strawberries, blueberries, chives, sage, bak choi, kale, kohlrabi and arugula.
 To the right are some of the seedlings that have been started in the greenhouse. Out of anticipation I have started my Cherokee purple tomatoes, ground cherries, Quinoa, peanuts, basil, parsley, and artichoke. I am pretty excited about all of my vegetables!
Besides my vegetable garden the mosaic for the Student exhibition garden is coming along. For more information in regards to that project click on the top tab 'Student Exhibition garden.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Springing early into the garden!

Veggie plot 2012
Six months of classes have ended and now spring greets us three weeks early this year. This means it is time to garden. Vegetables have been planted in my personal vegetable plot. There will be some plants I have never grown before and I am very excited to see how they turn out. Some of them include artichoke, quinoa, peanuts, and sweet ground cherries! I will  tell you how they turn out. This spring and summer means no shopping for vegetables at the grocery store.

On another note, the New Guinea Impatiens 'Sonic sweet purple' I grew have finally started to show their blooms!